Saturday, 26 April 2014

Day 16 - 10 weeks old

He's had his jabs and so soon we can walk him outside. He turned 10 weeks yesterday and is still a nightmare. He won't fit under here soon though.

Or here...

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Day 13

He slept all night without mess last night (7 hours, and we woke HIM up!) and the dog sitter has described it as "the best job ever" after her first visit. Vaccinations tomorrow and then on day 24 hopefully we can go for a walk!

Thursday, 17 April 2014

Day 8

Scrounging for my banana... Hank is now 9 weeks old. He was a good boy last night and I only had to see to him once to go for a wee and that was at 4.30 so I actually got up at the almost afternoon time of 6.30 this morning! And no mess to clear up this morning either, how long will my luck last though?

Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Day 5 - An outing

My friend Gina is looking after Hank at very short notice whilst Alex is out and I'm at work. He's had a sad morning not being heard when he needed to go outside and then sitting in his own filth on a warm day, poor chap (Alex was on a night shift and has had just three and a half hours sleep- this happened during that time). Here he is with his new friend uncle Frank. Frank and Hank.

I'm probably not going to be so sympathetic by tomorrow, the shark teeth act is wearing a bit thin now! Here's hoping he will be a good boy.

P.S. Just having a little smile to myself knowing it won't be long before Hank is bigger than uncle Frank :)

Monday, 14 April 2014

Day 3 - Learning

Yesterday, Hank learned to sit on command and he learned that his bed isn't an awful place to be. We're teaching him to have regular quiet time so he doesn't end up hyperactive his whole life.

We are restricting the time he spends invading Gwen's space though, he needs to be comfortable with his independence and she needs her own space and peace. Already he is overpowering her and being dominant and I'd prefer it if it was the other way round, but Gwen has always been submissive so maybe we should let that be?

Saturday, 12 April 2014

Day 2 - 6kg

8 weeks 1 day old...

I have been fighting against sharp little teeth today.
By the way I can now reply to your comments, and word verification is now switched off!

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Seven weeks...

Six days and we can take him home. Introducing Indicium Run Forest Run.... aka Hank. He's mellow because we had just woken him up after a day running around the garden.

-- Kerry

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Our puppy

This our- as yet nameless- English Pointer puppy. We get to bring him home on 11th February!

4 1/2 weeks old
6 weeks old (at the back being a little git)

The breeder currently calls him Romeo as he was born on 14th February (with the other eight following on 15th February) but we are definitely not calling him that in the real world. Names on the list currently include Webster, Weaver, Woodrow and Cooper with outsiders Arthur, Spencer and Hector. I'm of the firm belief that dogs should have a butler name, but they also need a cute abbreviation.

This is his mum, Breeze. I reckon he will look just like her when he gets bigger.

The aim of this blog is to take a photo several times a week (every day if we can manage it) and watch him grow through photographs. In just a few short months he will be fully grown and otherwise we will have lost these moments forever.
